Document Type : Case Report


Surgery and Veterinary Imaging Service, Veterinary Institute, Batna University, Algeria.



There are many techniques have been used in the surgical treatment of prostatitis, prostatic abscesses and prostatic cysts. Partial or complete prostatectomy, marsupialization, or debridement and drainage have all been advocated; unfortunately all of these techniques are associated with complications such as incontinence, cyst or abscess recurrence, etc. More recently, prostatic omentalization has been described. In this procedure, after opening and draining any cystic cavities or abscesses within the prostate, a portion of the omentum is passed through the prostate by blunt dissection. This improves the vascular supply to the affected tissue and prevents re-formation of a closed cystic/abscess cavity. It is very effective in preventing recurrence of disease. In this paper, we will describe omentalization of the prostate.


Main Subjects

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