Document Type : Original Article


Parasitology Department, Veterinary Faculty, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar branch, Iran


In this study parasitic infection of bobwhite and Japanese quails were clarified in farms of Garmsar city in province of Semnan. Forty quails from two breeds randomly were selected and they examined to identify all internal and external parasites .Finding was shown that five percent of the quails examined harbored one or more species of helminthes. Two cestodes, Raillietina echinobothrida and Raillietina cysticillus were found in small intestine. One of female bobwhite quails was infected by R.echinobothrida and one male bobwhite quails was infected by R.cysticyllus. Eight of forty quails harbored intestinal Cryptosporidiosis (20%) and thirteen of forty quails had tracheal cryptosporidiosis (32.5%).Intestinal cryptosporidiosis was clarified in three male and one female of both bobwhite and Japanese quails and tracheal cryptosporidiosis was found in four male and five female of bob white quails and three male and one female of Japanese quails. Also in this study significant difference  was determined between female Bob white breed & female Japanese breed in case of tracheal cryptosporidiosis (p<0.05). In this study, there was no ectoparasite on quails.


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