Document Type : Original Article


1 M.Sc. Graduate of forestry, University of Gilan, Some-sara, Iran

2 Assistant Prof, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Gilan, Some-sara, Iran

3 Assistant Prof, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


The Zagros forests (west of Iran) have been highly exploited in recent decades by human impacts. Easy access, abundance and variety of valuable forest yields have led to population growth density, creation of new residential areas and deforestation activities. In order to determinate the distribution and rate of deforestation from 1995 to 2006 by using the satellite imagery (IRS-1C and  LANDSAT image) and possibility of modeling the changes extent and its relation to physiographic and some human factors by using multiple regression in the Kohkeloeye and Boveirahmad province,  Golestan province. Southern Zagros forest, west of Iran. Classification was performed using maximum likelihood classifiers and forest divided two classes (forest and non – forest). Results showed that the maximum likelihood classifiers exhibited the highest results with 96% overall accuracy and 74% kappa coefficient. The results showed that about 462.5 ha from forest areas were deforested in the 12 years. To determination of major element of forest destruction used the multiple regression methods. According to results distance from road and village variables were in contrary of deforestation expanding. Forest destruction was increased with increasing around populated villages and near of this village.


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