Document Type : Original Article


Ethiopia Institute of Agricultural Research, Wondo Genet Center, P.O Box 198, Shashamane, Ethiopia



Ethiopia is remarkably rich in its biological, ecological and landscape diversity and is home to outstanding natural bio-resources such as a number of herbs, aromatic and medicinal plants. The present study was carried out to study the composition, distribution and economic importance of insect pests of prioritized aromatic (Mentha sp., lemon verbena, fennel, rosemary, rosadamascene, oregano, palmarosa, lemon grass, rose scented geranium) plants between 2013 to 2015 in some growing area of Ethiopia. 10 to 20 random sample units (plants) were taken to assess pest prevalence from each of the upper, middle and lower canopy layers of the main stem. Sample pests and infected plant parts were taken and examined in Wondo Genet Agricultural Research Center. The species were later on got identified from different sources. The result showed that Agrotis sp., Dysaphsfoeniculus, Iceryapurchasi , Melanchrapicta, Papaipemanebris, Rhodobiumorosumwere the major insect pests where as Tetranychus spp., Dicyphusspp., Myzuspersicae, Odontotermesspp., Odontotermesspp., Ornithacris sp. and Ovatuscrataegariuswere minor insect pests recorded feeding of prioritizedaromatic plants. In all 12 insect species belonging to 5 orders were recorded to be associated with (8) aromatic plants in the survey area of Ethiopia. All these insect-pests were recorded in very low to very high causing damage. This study important for understanding the situation of aromatic plants insect pests that will help to eventually achieve an economically sound and efficient pests management strategy.


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